why is gratitude important in recovery

Gratitude can help reverse these feelings on the path to recovery. In addition to these benefits, gratitude also improves physical health by reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and improving sleep quality. These outcomes positively reinforce one’s behavior towards practicing gratitude as a habit.

Gratitude is Good for Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

why is gratitude important in recovery

The good news is that gratitude is a mental outlook that can be developed and strengthened over time. The great news is that the benefits occur almost immediately with significant impact on your recovery success and overall well-being. However, the recovery community has known the power of gratitude for a long time. More than creating a gratitude list, actively practicing gratitude has always been essential to recovery success. By focusing on the good things, you can develop a more positive outlook and increase the likelihood of a successful recovery.

why is gratitude important in recovery

How to Cultivate Gratitude and Reap the Rewards in Your Recovery

  • Another way to express gratitude is to write thank-you notes to the people who have made a difference in your life.
  • If you accomplished something at work, don’t be afraid to pat yourself on the back and let people know how happy it made you.
  • We become preoccupied with our thoughts and our desires, and we feel that we are entitled to the things we’ve been given for whatever reason.
  • While cultivating gratitude is an ongoing process, its rewards are immeasurable.

With a grateful mindset, you have the opportunity to lead a happy and fulfilling life free from addiction. If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder, The Recovery Village is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about treatment plans and why is gratitude important in recovery programs that can help you begin the path toward a better future. People who are brimming with gratitude are generally more compassionate, helpful and generous than those who are not. When you are grateful, you are much more likely to want to help and support others.

  • Choose to go to new, drug free places rather than old hangouts connected to your addiction.
  • Research shows that gratitude can lead to lower stress and anxiety levels, improved sleep quality, and a boost in your overall immune system.
  • Buckle up and get ready to discover how a thankful mindset can transform your journey towards long-lasting recovery.
  • Viewing life through a lens of gratitude can benefit your life in a variety of ways.
  • Millions of people face the same challenge every day, but there is hope.

Gratitude List in Recovery

As one can see, there are many people who have used gratitude in their own lives and attest to how powerful and healing it can be. From Aesop to Oprah Winfrey, https://ecosoberhouse.com/oxford-house/ the power of gratitude has transformed lives and healed relationships. At Design for Recovery, we believe recovery is more than abstaining from substances.

Improves your mental stability

  • For instance, rather than viewing relapse as a failure, you can see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Even scientific studies have shown that gratitude has many positive effects.
  • You can be grateful for minor occurrences as long as they make you happy.
  • By doing something kind or helpful for someone else, we not only bring happiness into their lives but also cultivate feelings of joy and satisfaction within ourselves.
  • Gratitude can also increase positive emotions such as joy, happiness, love, and hope, which can support your recovery.

Gratitude opens the door to positive emotions and experiences that can nourish our minds and bodies. Simply taking a moment to count our blessings can lift our spirits and remind us of all that we have to appreciate in life. When you are mindful, you focus on the task at hand and clear away negative thoughts that may try to creep in. Whether you’re walking your pup, vacuuming or watering your plants, try doing so mindfully. Mindfulness allows you the opportunity to be grateful for each moment, no matter how mundane. Gratitude isn’t just a nice thing to do — it’s a key component to long-term recovery.

why is gratitude important in recovery

Something to Feel Grateful For

  • When we are grateful for what we have, we’re not broken by adversity, and we view challenges as opportunities for growth.
  • They also acknowledge the gifts and blessings received from other people and express appreciation to them.
  • That way, it will become second nature to emphasize the positive aspects of your life – even when times are tough.
  • A study published in Emotion found that people who received letters of gratitude reported feeling happier and more satisfied with their lives than those who didn’t receive any such letter.
  • As the addiction progresses, substance abusers find themselves losing many of the things they valued in their lives, such as relationships, jobs and even homes.
  • They then asked another group to write about the daily irritations or things that had displeased them.

why is gratitude important in recovery

The Power of Gratitude in Recovery


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